The retired policeman
Despite being retired from the nineties, the policeman continues to attend the station, to handle a large community of cats. Considered by all his former colleagues as the historical memory of the place to be on duty at the time when the area was entrusted to the municipal police. He remembers how all the buildings were then perfectly intact. Also said that some old airmen still had access to the former barracks and deals with old workshops, where did odd jobs "to pass the time." The old man remembers that around 2006 a councilor of which "does not want to give the name" he tried to take away the big trees for his garden. In that occasion the policemen went so far to call the Unesco to put under constraint plants as World Heritage . This statement has not been confirmed by any source,anyway can be noted as a legend attesting how the trees represents for the community of police officers an extraordinary phenomenon.

Enrico S.
The first time i met the lawyer S. I was shooting in front of the Barracks. He was peeking into the fence like me. After starting the research I've ended up to him. He's the great grandson of the consul of England during the fascism. In 1926 the consul bought a small part of the stabling Meloni. So the interest of S. for the place was not disinterested as he could be part of the heirs. In the family behaviour of the lawyer S., french speaking was normally, as in all aristocratics milieu. And S. hands down the family memories with such fluid narrative that you would think he have no less than two hundred fifty years. His interest in the area keep close to obsession, and he has the precise idea that, according to documents in its possession, the structures was not collapsed because of the bombing but for neglect and abandonment. According to S. with the arrival of a ruling class made up of "people from the countryside" the city lost the care for historic buildings and has begun a way "barbaric" and "no memory" of take care of the public spaces.

Francesco P.
P. ninety years old, says that he and his father planted all the trees of Viale Trieste, including those inside the barracks. Mr. P. is convinced that the barracks were always here. But in the year when is assumed they planted the banyan trees, barracks had to be not yet functioning. Indeed Mr. P. recall very well the celebration for the Badoglio visit "Count Biancamano and the whole army Savoy, ready to leave for Abyssinia", connecting it to the plantation event. Francis says about it: "What it was Africa before the coming of Italians?
Was a desert. Now the abissinia is a garden ". P. believes that Badoglio was gone to Eritrea to plant trees.

Silvia died in the spring 2011. She was born in May 1968. Conceived in the 1967 under the trees of the Trieste barracks. At these time, her parents, Teresa and Ernesto lived in a little billet in the barrack. Ernesto was military of the aviation army. When told to Silvia of conception smiled and said, "was that tree". Teresa died in 2003 Ernesto has reached her three years later. Both died of disease. Silvia's mother has always said that the most beautiful place in which they lived was the Trieste. The first time I brought Silvia at the trees she was already ill. As she entered under the hat of ficus, a deluge of green berries fell gently down . Silvia didn't want to get in back to the trees for a second time. After few months she reached his family. After that, I've stopped to work at the film for a whole

Jo is a punjab's Indian of 60 years old or so. Expert of Indian Martial arts and Ayurvedic massages, works for several years for several secret service around the world. Now he lives in Sardinia serving as therapist in a small village. I asked him to come with me at the site and its deduction was straightforward: he believes this phenomenon is an embrace, the trees are embracing the building. Only a phenomenon can bring a desire so strong: love. "Here there is a male and a female who are attracting very strong" and attracting generate this embrace.